Special talents: Gymnastics, can perform amazing moves!! Also animal lover and totally against animal testing! She's also
the best listener but knows wat to say nd when to say it!
Special talents: She's a crazy chick who we think is lyk a cat! She rides horses nd has a house lyk a ZOO! But she's
there for me whenever!
Special Talents: She's the oldest ov ma bezzies nd she rides horses to, she now has a lil' baby sis thou! She lives
a bt away from me now but we keep int ouch nd chat regulary!
She's realy hyper nd chats lyk a motor mouth!
Special Talents: Beth is a one of ma weirder mates nd dats why we love her!! She's now a converted bhuddist nd goes to
a diffo skool now but we talk a lot, nd she listens to me wen i need it!
Special Talents: Gina is a veggie newly converted!! She's cool but cant keep her mouth shut sometimes!
Special Talents: 'Ali' is possibly the most grounded of us all! LOL! She's fun 'nd 'strawberry blonde'but fun to hang round
with 'nd when she starts to laff she probs wont stop!!